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Entries: 410 - Page:

Entry: 200
Date: 10.08.2006 - 02:02 h
Name: frank
Content: hallo team gerbert!

ich soll euch von meinen opa grüßen der in dessau am kornhaus war und euch sagen das er den hut vor euch zieht das reinhard immer noch so toll dabei ist und jedes jahr neu antritt. er verfolgte schon in rosslau die rennen wo reihnard gegen manfred schulze fuhr. also kurz und knapp er findest es gut das ihr immer jedes jahr aufs neue noch die klasse bereichert.

grüße aus rosslau

Entry: 199
Date: 05.08.2006 - 23:37 h
Name: NancyundRalf (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: Hallo Ihr Lieben!!! Wollten nur nochmal viel Erfolg für das Wochenende wünschen. Hoffen Ihr habt morgen besseres Wetter!!!
Freuen uns schon auf das nächste Wochenende.
Die Schweizer

Entry: 198
Date: 02.08.2006 - 13:36 h
Name: Tomas Lind (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: How to kill or build a sport....
OK, I know my opinion may sound hard for some but I do believe it's better for the sport to be straight than just a nice boy !

So I believe you can kill this sport or class by:
- Place the WC or Formula event as fare away from the actual drivers as possible, it will make the cost higher than the pleasure !
- Have as mush as possible water between the place and most drivers, it adds even more cost!
- Have no supporting hydro classes at the same event !
- Make sure it is out in the bush fare away from all public service !
- Make sure the event compete with many other similar events in more central places !
- Make sure to set the date for the WC event as late as possible and change the place and time every year !

By doing this you give the poor organizer a mission impossible and the economical losses will make sure he will never try again !

Try a new concept, as follows:
- Make all hydro classes join at 4-(5) Formula events every year !
- Make the WC- event to be one of them, also with points for the Formula series.
- Make it be one/month, late May - June - July - Aug.
- Make it be Italy- Polen/Hungary- Sweden - Germany.
- Make a drivers and spectators minimum standard.
- Make sure to set/keep date and place year to year.

National racing will still be done as usual and make it possible for new drivers to gain experience and qualification to go to the bigger events.

By doing this both drivers and spectators can plan traveling- cost- and time for being of work !
Organizers can build up organization and the event from year to year and end up making a profit wish is a must if wanting to do it again...

What do you think, I am both driver and event organizer and thereby believe we must get a better cooperation for the best of both sides !

Tomas Lind #55 in F350

Entry: 197
Date: 25.07.2006 - 11:40 h
Name: Federico (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: Hi guys, there will be an endurance competition open to boats from all over the world at lake Sarnico on september 9th and 10th
We would really like to have a lot of boats from outside our country.
There will be free hotel and 100 euros for each driver and free admission to the race for foreign drivers,I know the Federation is discussing the possibility to help out even more foreign teams,it is really vital for us to have as many foreign teams as possible.
The race will take place in a very nice scenario and will be 2 days of fun.
You can find more info here:

And the admission form here:


Do not esitate to get in touch with me at fedefiore@yahoo.it

Entry: 196
Date: 29.06.2006 - 16:51 h
Name: Yves (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: Hallo, ich möchte nochmal daran erinnert, dass wir zum 43. Motorbootrennen in Dessau schon am Freitag, 07.07. ab 16:15 mit dem freien Training beginnen. Der MBC freut sich auf Euch.

Entry: 195
Date: 20.06.2006 - 14:02 h
Name: Schulze (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: Die O-350 startet in Dessau mit den O-250 Fahrern mit!
Am Freitag den 07.07.06 gibt es ab 16.15 Uhr bis 18.45 Uhr die Möglichkeit zu trainieren.

Entry: 194
Date: 13.06.2006 - 15:22 h
Name: Yves (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: hallo holger, ich habe dir fälschlicher weise eine nennung vom 41. motorbootrennen geschickt. kannst du das mal im download-bereich auf 43. ändern? der rest stimmt.
danke dir

Comment / Answer: Holger Stoll, 13.6.2006:

Entry: 193
Date: 08.06.2006 - 21:47 h
Name: Thiemo wende (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: hi
mal ne frage: habt ihr schon eine ausschreibung von lorch bekommen; ist ja nicht mehr lange hin

Comment / Answer: Tino, t.weinhardt@bluefred.de, 9.6.2006:
Hallo Thiemo, versuchs mal hier (in englisch):
Holger Stoll, 12.6.2006:
...oder auch hier (jetzt in deutsch):

Entry: 192
Date: 21.05.2006 - 19:32 h
Name: Titkov Igor (eMail: Contact Form)
Homepage: http://hydroracer@0562.info
Content: hydroracer for sale

Comment / Answer: Holger Stoll, 3.6.2006:
Die korrekte Adresse lautet:

Entry: 191
Date: 20.05.2006 - 13:40 h
Name: Peter,Richi,Lothar,Rainer und Siggi (eMail: Contact Form)
Content: Eine erfolgreiche Saison wünscht der technische Betriebsdienst aus Camp Warehouse (Kabul)!!

Entries: 410 - Page:

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