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Einträge: 410 - Seite:

Eintrag: 240
Datum: 18.09.2007 - 18:05 Uhr
Name: tomas lind (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Inhalt: Congratulations to you as made it up there !

Janos, you are a great driver and you have my great respect but I will chase your ass next year... you can be so sure it will be hot as hell !

Synoraky, well done you are there all the time so well done !

Nigel, you made it well this year with/without mechanics.. congratulations !

To all other to, we now seems to have made our point by demonstrating the largest class in Europe ! It's great to race with you all !

Last but not least..... Thank you all at Brandenburg you make a good event.... good people.... good organizers.. you are just great and I will be back to try to win it next year even if I promissed last year "I will never win here again" after my swim in Betzee

Thank you all for a great year, see you in Znin...???

Tomas Lind

Eintrag: 239
Datum: 12.09.2007 - 20:53 Uhr
Name: Tomas Lind (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Inhalt: am so happy to be able to bring you:

- Regards from Per Svensson him self to all hydro people !

A few hoers ago it was decided to wake him up and take him out of the lung machine. Per rebothed and started up talking emediatly ! He remember most of the things and he is sending all of you his regards and thanks for your support and thoughts.

When he will be transported back to Sweden they don't know yet but we are very- very happy for this positive news as Per like to shear with us all.

Tomas Lind

Kommentar / Antwort: Stephan Berneis, 12.9.2007:
Thank you Tomas for keeping us posted through this site. We are very happy to hear that Per is better now and are looking forward to get further information about his condition. Please give him our best regards.
Stephan Berneis #17 Formel ADAC

Eintrag: 238
Datum: 06.09.2007 - 21:46 Uhr
Name: Tomas lind (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Inhalt: Hallo all German friends.... is there anyone of you that have any picktures- videos from the crash in Warsaw last week end. Need it to free drivers that now are accused for coursing the accident. This was a total fuck up by the local athoritys as not making room for more than 3-4 boats around the first turn boy # 5-6-7 was run up on ground...

Need your help to help you to improve further security at our events...


Eintrag: 237
Datum: 05.09.2007 - 21:57 Uhr
Name: tomas lind (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Inhalt: I have just been asked by Per Svenssons father to give the following description of
Per's medical condition:

Per is still keept sleaping to free him from pain.
He is having help from a lung machine when one lung have been punktered.
4 ribs at left side and 1-3 at rigth side are broken.
Sholder- sholderblade is broken.
His spline have been remowed.
2-3 neck bones are showing signs of smaller damage.
No brain damage have been found.

He should as soon as his conditions accept it be transported to a bigger hospital
as equipped with better and larger x-ray equippment.

Swedish embassy personal are standing by for helping him- his family all the time.
Mazalek is by Per's side frequently and offer great help all the time.

3 People from the national boat federation have shortly visited Per today to offer help....
It's seen as a first week sign of humanity but it have not come by free will...
only after great pressure from people and organications around Europe.

written by Tomas Lind on behalf of

Eintrag: 236
Datum: 04.09.2007 - 15:06 Uhr
Name: Tomas Lind (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Inhalt: Looking back on the WC 350 in Warsaw.

Just arrived back from a disaster tour around Europe with a head full of question marks and frustrations.
I have to try to sort them as follows:

First and beyond everything else our thoughts have been revolving around our colleague Per Svenssons tragic accident in Warsaw. We have been in constant contact with his father and the Swedish representative Erlandsson as still remains in Warsaw to support Per at the best.
To avoid misunderstandings and/or speculations I prefer to leave medical statement about Per's present condition to those that can do it better than my self. Still I like to say that I am deeply touched about all drivers and teams very strong caring for Per in his difficult situation.

What I can't hold back are all the question marks and frustration around how and why this accident actually could happen!

- How could authorities and responsible at all levels actually call for a hydro race to take place and/or start under such disaster conditions as present?

UIM have a responsibility through there representatives at place to make sure that rules and regulations are respected and fulfilled.

National Polish authorities are to make sure that the local organizer have conditions and recourses as required to carry out a WC event.

The local organizers to carry out the race at place, time and situation according to given rules and conditions.

I can't find that anyone of the above levels of responsibility's have done there job or what we/active are in title to expect them to do ! Non of them..!!!

How could:
- UIM as had representatives at place allow it to start?
- Polish authorities call for a race at this place and time?
- Local organizer fail to maintain a minimum of safety?

As active driver and organizer of similar type of events I have strongly reacted on the following facts:

The water level at the race track was/is way under wha

Eintrag: 235
Datum: 03.09.2007 - 11:09 Uhr
Name: Bruni und Franz aus Weissach (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Homepage: http://www.hegemann-wit.de
Inhalt: Hallo Reinhard, wir wollen versuchen, dass wir nach Lauffen kommen können. Freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen.
Gruss SDeine Schwester Bruni und Franz

Eintrag: 234
Datum: 23.08.2007 - 18:17 Uhr
Name: Schulze (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Homepage: http://dessau@stopandgo.de
Inhalt: Hallo Kay,
Der 4. EM-Lauf der Formel R 1000 in Polen ist leider abgesagt.Grund ist laut Aussage Erwin Lang der Zeitplan im Oktober(Zeitig dunkel).
Gruß Andreas

Eintrag: 233
Datum: 17.08.2007 - 13:39 Uhr
Name: Kay Kaschube (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Inhalt: Hi,

hat schon jemand Infos ob die FR-1000 nun auch in Polen startet? Ist ja nicht mehr so lange und ein wenig planen muss man ja auch.


Kommentar / Antwort: Webmaster, 21.8.2007:
Hallo Kay!

Die Ausschreibung für Znin ist raus:
Danach startet die F-R1000 NICHT dort!

Gruß Holger

Eintrag: 232
Datum: 04.08.2007 - 11:10 Uhr
Name: Tomas Lind (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Homepage: http://helamorasurrar.se
Inhalt: Great video from Mora Cristian !
Also like to thank all Hydro drivers that came to Mora.... you made us a great event and we look forward to next year already !


Eintrag: 231
Datum: 09.05.2007 - 12:16 Uhr
Name: ponyhengst (eMail: Kontaktformular)
Inhalt: das mit Bernard Marszalek geht mir echt an die nieren , wenn ein so junger mensch stirbt ! Ich möchte hiermit seiner Familie und seinen freunden mein aufrichtiges Beileid ausprechen .

Einträge: 410 - Seite:

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